Our enterprise taking under serious consideration that consumers are fully informed regarding the personal data, coordinates completely to the current legislation and specifically all those which are established by the European Regulation, the European Parliament and the European council of 27th of April for the protection of every natural person about the process and editing of personal data(GDPR) , a law which has been appied since 25th of may 2018 and also by the law 4624/2019 – ΦΕΚ 137/Α/29-8-2019 and every other law that matters protection of personal data.
For that reason we provide to our customers some general information about personal data
and the GDPR Policy of our e-shop which is of high importance for every consumer.
a) What is personal data?
As personal data is considered every information that can be used for the direct or indirect identification of a person. Basically personal data is every information that refers to a person who lives or works in E.U. Therefore whatever our enterprise knows regarding our consumers is part of personal data.
b) What is processing/editing personal data?
Acts or series of acts such as collection, restoration, correlation .registration, delete, saving,
search , classification , communication with or without automatic media is considered processing upon personal data. For instance if you write a communication form where you are asked to consent giving your name and your email then by this we are considered that we collect your personal data.
c) When processing of personal data is allowed?
Legislation about personal data allows the processing when at least one of the following conditions is on effect:
• If a person consents of giving his personal data for specific purposes. For example purchasing via e-shop ,the latter processes personal data for marketing or commercial purposes.
• When the processing of personal data is necessary because the subject of personal data is a part of a special agreement like paying online for a purchase or receiving an order.
• The processing is imposed by the law
• When the processing is necessary in order to protect or save the life of the subject whom personal data belong or any other natural person.
• When the processing is necessary for important reasons that service public interest.
• When the processing services an organization’s interest or anyone related, unless
this processing acts against the human and institutional rights of whom the data belong.
d) Legal rights of a subject of personal data
Consumer rights regarding GDPR legislation:
• The right to know about the processing of his personal data. Companies and enterprises are mandatory to be transparent on this processing.
• The right to access, a consumer has the right to ask the company or enterprise which of his personal data are under a process and for what reason. In addition a consumer should have access to all his data and every relative information.
• The right to correct. A consumer has the right to ask to correct false or incomplete data
• The right of transportation. Whoever is processing personal data has to deliver these data to it’s owner in the format which will be asked.
• The right of objection against the use of personal data and the finishing of the processing when this is done for direct marketing purposes, statistic records that matter scientific or historical researches.
• The right to delete, known as the right of “oblivion” which means that an individual has the right to ask the delete of his personal data for no particular reason unless
the processing of his data is imposed by a specific law.
• The right of limitation on the processing. Whereas the reason of delete is not clarified.
Find more information to the following link:
Home matters has created this website so it is possible a user to surf incognito if he wants to. The only reason you will be asked to register or giving any personal data is for the case you want to make a purchase. The reason that we do it is that your registration is part of the agreement of this sale from our enterprise with you. This is legally based on the article 6,paragraph 1.b of 2016/697 regulation according the European parliament and the GDPR Council.
Therefore we collect and process personal data for purposes that serve commercial transactions such as buying, payment, shipping an order or sending newsletter. Our customers have the right to access their data and delete their personal account at any time.
www.homematters initially aske for your consent which is a necessary condition to use this website or make a commercial agreement due to technical reasons. You can purchase a product either as a registered member –so you have access to every update and special offers or purchase simply as a visitor.
As a registered member you create a personal account using a username and a password
Which are necessary I order to be identified by the system and in addition to keep your data safe. You can change your password any time you want and it is of high importance that you keep it secret. If for any reason there is a leak or a violation of your secret password you must contact us directly , otherwise our enterprise is not considered responsible for the use of your account by unauthorized persons.
As a visitor you can buy easily online by placing your order following the instructions of our website.
Regardless if you are registered or a visitor If a purchase is about to be shipped you will be asked to complete a form writing down some personal data such as name ,address, email, phone number and in the case you need the invoice for professional use you will be asked to complete the form writing down your profession, tax office you belong to and your VAT.
Personal data may be collected when you visi a website via Google ,Social media or software like android, ios. Note that your IP is automatically tracked when you visit any website.
Read terms of use for further information.
4. CONFIDENTIALITY AND SAFETY does not give or publishes any of your personal data and information Those are used only for shipping a purchase successfully or keeping you updated for new
products and special offers. Contacts us to 26413 01460/6942 950856 or at if you want to delete your personal data or unregister your account.
We do not transmit or give to anyone your personal data unless one of the following conditions is on effect:
a)the transmition is demanded by law which is imposed by law. For example in the case of a taxes suspension , we are obliged to give personal data to the authorities.
b) whenever this is imposed by any law or it is court’s decision. In that case we do not have the right not to give your personal data even you do not consent to.
As a consumer you have the right to request access, limitation transmission, delete, correction or even their opposition against the processing of your personal data. You can also submit a complaint to the GDPR authority which is based in Athens, 1-3 kifisias ave. 115 23,phone number : +30-210 6475600 , Fax: +30-210 6475628 and email :
More specifically you can declare that you are against processing your personal data, or those be updated, corrected, changed or deleted.
Contact us if you want home matters to terminate the processing of your data and we will respond instantly to your request.
GDPR policy is possible to change or be updated based on the European regulation. For that reason it is highly recommended that you read the relative terms which we publish on our website. While you visit and use this e-shop it is considered that you are completely informed about your rights and as a result you consent to our policy.
Home Matters enterprise to collect ,process and keep your data safe under the supervision of current legislation.
The content of this website including photos, designs ,logos ,graphics , ideas etc. is property of Home Matters enterprise and it is protected by the Greek and International legislation about commercial logos, industrial and intellectual property. That means that the specific content is prohibited to be used from any person or organization and is being used exclusively by Home Matters.
Therefore every analog or digital copying, reproduction, sales, casting , downloading ,change and every kind of use that purposes to create misleading or fake content in order to deceive a consumer is against the law. In general whatever will be copied or used regarding our website is prohibited unless we give our permission on a signed document.